On this episode of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by the legendary Thomas Steenburg, a veteran Canadian researcher who has devoted decades to the pursuit of North America’s mysterious relict hominoid.
On this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by Leon Thompson of Bigfoot Okanagan, a group that applies scientific principles toward the study of Sasquatch.
On this special edition of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by Shane Corson, an active researcher who is a member of the Olympic Project, an association of dedicated researchers, investigators, biologists and trackers committed to documenting the existence of Sasquatch.
We are joined by researchers Jason Sakrisson and Charles Lamica, who discuss collaborating on a new long-term field study called “Living with Sasquatch.”
The team is joined by David Ellis and Julie Rench who discuss their ongoing research with possible audio recordings of Sasquatch sounds.
Researcher Amy Bue joins us for a discussion about her Bigfoot research in Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as her projects that include Project Zoobook.
Marc Myrsell, a land surveyor and researcher who has compiled an impressive amount of information about the famous Ape Canyon Incident, joins us to discuss the facts behind the story.
On this episode, Russ Jones joins us to discuss his research in the State of West Virginia, as detailed in his book “Tracking the Stone Man: West Virginia’s Bigfoot.”
On this episode, we examine the controversial issue of shooting Sasquatch, legislation related to hunting the creatures, and what authorities would become involved if a body were ever found.
On this episode, we are joined by Shelly Covington Montana, whose experience in animal tracking and other disciplines builds a formidable tool kit for citizen science.