In this installment, we are joined by Kentucky researcher Charlie Raymond for a discussion of his ongoing Bigfoot research in the Bluegrass State.
We are joined by researcher Cliff Barackman, co-host of the Bigfoot ‘n’ Beyond podcast and one of the longtime costars of the hit Animal Planet television series Finding Bigfoot.
In this very special installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is proud to welcome longtime researcher Daniel Perez to the program, a historian and chronicler of the Sasquatch subject and editor/publisher of the legendary newsletter Bigfoot Times.
On this special holiday edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by legendary biologist John Mionczynski, whose personal experience with a Sasquatch in 1972 while camping in the Wind River Mountains propelled him on a decades-long search for answers about the creatures and their existence.
On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by veteran Sasquatch researcher Todd Neiss of the American Primate Conservancy.
On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Gareth Patterson, who discusses evidence of South African relict hominoids known as the “Otang.”
On this edition of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Texas-based researcher Mike Mayes and Rick Minter of the UK’s Big Cat Conversations podcast, for a discussion about the big cat mystery and the study of Sasquatch.
On this episode we are joined by Josh Moss, a researcher who uses GIS data and mapping software to analyze the Sasquatch mystery.
On this episode of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by the legendary Thomas Steenburg, a veteran Canadian researcher who has devoted decades to the pursuit of North America’s mysterious relict hominoid.
On this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by Leon Thompson of Bigfoot Okanagan, a group that applies scientific principles toward the study of Sasquatch.