‘Tis the season… and so joining the Sasquatch Tracks team for their 2023 holiday installment of the program is Mister Sam Shearon, artist extraordinaire and dealer in knowledge of all things esoteric and hominological.
Joining us in this episode is a return guest, researcher Marc Myrsell, along with Braden and Jared Mitchell, two of the descendants of one of the miners involved with the Ape Canyon incident.
In this second part in a special two-part installment of Sasquatch Tracks, Matt Pruitt returns to discuss his new book The Phenomenal Sasquatch.
Veteran researcher Matt Pruitt returns to discuss his new book ‘The Phenomenal Sasquatch: Seeking the Natural Origins of a Cultural Icon.’
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, we are joined by Scott Tompkins, the creator of The Bigfoot Mapping Project.
We are joined by researcher and educator Darby Orcutt, who discusses an ambitious new project that is seeking to collect and analyze anomalous biological samples.
In this episode, the team looks at reports involving military encounters with Sasquatch and sightings by U.S. armed forces personnel.
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, catch up with primatologist Esteban Sarmiento, an expert in hominid evolution and researcher renowned for his interest in the speculative side of vertebrate zoology, particularly when it comes to Sasquatch.
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by Lailani Upham and Carrie Lynn Bear Chief, Blackfeet Tribe members and creators of the Pikuni Bigfoot Storytelling Project.
In this installment of Sasquatch Tracks, the team is joined by anthropologist and Sasquatch researcher Kathy Strain, author of the book, Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture.